My end of year Goodreads stats!!!

I question why I get so excited by these each year, but I really do! 😂

111 books read

I set my goal at 95 books and I bested that, so I was content!

In 2018 I read more books but I wanted to savour all the words this year so am ok with this.

32, 498 pages read

Even though this is 20k less than 2018, this is a great number. I cannot comprehend that I read so many pages!

Average rating 4.5 ⭐

It seems I am easy to please as this was the same average rating of 2018 too!

In 2020 I plan to have the year off my normal schedule (you can see my post here).

I think I still will set a Goodreads Challenge goal but at the moment I’m not sure what that number will be.

What about you, what’s your goal for 2020?

What were your stats?

10 thoughts on “My end of year Goodreads stats!!!

    1. Thanks! You know when you get paranoia and think oooo am I rating books too high? Then I remembered I’ve been more selective with books in 2019 so am hoping it’s because I’ve just really enjoyed them!


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