Review: Only a Breath Apart by Katie McGarry (and giveaway!)

Would you dare to defy destiny?

Are our destinies written in stone?

Do we become nothing more than the self-fulfilling prophesies of other people’s opinions?

Or can we dare to become who we believe we were born to be?

They say your destiny is carved in stone. But some destinies are meant to be broken.

The only curse Jesse Lachlin believes in is his grandmother’s will: in order to inherit his family farm he must win the approval of his childhood best friend, the girl he froze out his freshman year.

A fortuneteller tells Scarlett she’s psychic, but what is real is Scarlett’s father’s controlling attitude and the dark secrets at home. She may be able to escape, but only if she can rely on the one boy who broke her heart.

Each midnight meeting pushes Jesse and Scarlett to confront their secrets and their feelings, but as love blooms, the curse rears its ugly head…

Omg, the emotion, the feels this book pulls.

‘I loved him once— the way a six-year-old loves with abandon. I loved him how I once loved myself. Jesse was freedom when so much of my life meant confinement. He was laughter during dark nights, he was the warrior who scared the monsters under my bed away . . . he was my friend.’

Until he wasn’t. But now he needs Scarlett (and really she needs him) and we need to know what the heck happened and how this will all pan out.

This was a good read, although was hard to read in some places due to the content.

I loved the spirituality presented in this book, I loved Jesse and my heart belongs to Scarlett.


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