A reflection! And my 2019 books plans!


I started 2018 with plans to get my tbr under control and try to get my love of reading back instead of stressing about all the arcs I have to read and rushing through books when I want to savour every word!

Looking back I think I have got closer to my goal but there is more I can do so I decided to look at what I’ve done this year and making plans for 2019.

This is what I did in 2018:

  • Beat the Backlist
  • Summer Reading Challenge
  • Sequel September
  • Arcs – requesting when and what I want
  • Netgalley – it’s like heaven in a website
  • Review teams x 6
  • Remember November
  • Planned my monthly books to read
  • Buying books like it’s going out of fashion and not reading half of them
  • Fairyloot, not read even half books received.
  • Goodreads challenge

Goals for 2019:

I think I’ll be starting off with a tbr of around 70 (unless I go out of control with the buying!)

Beat the Backlist

Already signed up!

Summer Reading Challenge

Loved this and would love to do again this year as it helped me read a mix of new releases and backlist books.

Sequel September

Loved this and a challenge does spur me on so still want to do this if I do have any sequels to read.

Only 1 arc a month

I might be absolutely lying to myself here but I’m totally going to try! (Updated: I have 4 arcs for January already #failed)

No Netgalley

Well this isn’t hard for me now as I am a UK blogger and trying to get a book from Netgalley is like trying to get blood out of a stone!

Review team

I love the authors whose review teams I am on so this won’t be dropped!

Remember November

This really spurred me on to hit my goals so would love to do again.


No way I’m giving this up! I love it! I just have to include the book in one of my monthly reads. Also they have introduced a monthly readalong so I will join in that!

Plan monthly reads

To an extent…..won’t do this every month so I won’t be putting that much pressure on myself.

Goodreads Challenge

I set this at 175 books for 2018 and I completed in November. But I haven’t enjoyed all of it along the way. 96 books will be set as my challenge for 2019.

So with all this and stopping buying books I don’t actually need, as long as I read a mix of new releases and backlist, I reckon I’ll be set.

This all sounds easy enough….let’s see if I can pull it off!

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